Monday, February 23, 2009

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

In A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen challenges the idea of gender roles of his time. Nora, the central character was programmed to be the perfect little housewife, first, by her father and then by her husband. She was forced to suppress her true self in order to please the men around her, to fulfill her duty as a wife and daughter. Society dictated her role on life’s stage, and men dictated society. Fearing the loss of their superior positions over women and “manly” authoritative status they treated women like subordinates both in the public domain and in the private realm.

A Doll’s House focuses on the domestic aspect of women's’ suppression. It is obvious that Nora has the least say in the relationship, because she is terrified that her husband will find out her secret as to how she saved his life (How could she? What nerve!) by forging her father’s signature, an example of women’s suppression in the public domain; however, most of Torvald's oppression is hidden behind kind words. He often calls her little animal names, which may, at first, seem sweet to the reader; however, they make me sick. I think that in calling her these “cute” names, he is laying the foundations for how she is to act. I know we live in a different time where women are no longer the subordinates in the relationship; actually, it’s debatable that we now wear the pants, just ask Britney; however; Torvald's mind games still anger me (and I think they are suppose to). I find myself thinking. “Nora snap out of it, stop acting like a twat, bitch slap him and leave his sorry ass!” .

Why is it that, because he isn’ t man enough to deal with an intelligent woman, Nora has to play the role of his little play thing, which he can manipulate as he pleases. Nora even stated that he would not be able to deal with the fact that she was the one who handled his medical bills. Honestly, if he cannot coup with her saving his life he must be really insecure. . Personally, I don’t even know why Nora saved him, I guess that speaks to her character, or to her brainwashing; I’m not quite sure, maybe it is a combination of both.

In conclusion, men have huge egos, and need their heads constantly inflated, and in 1879 they were legally allowed to take it out on women. However, things have changed, and now we, the women are in power, whether the men realize it or not. It’s simple we’re smarter, prettier, and more mature; therefore, our species should just forget about marriage, ditch the men, and leave them to deteriorate in their uncivilized ways.


Erin Malone said...

WOW. beautiful! i couldn't agree more. unfortunately, some men still need his ego inflated and if you inflate it, they leave you. haha anyway, good details. I like how u pointed out the complete stupidity of a husband getting angry at his wife for saving his wife. crazy!

Ben Murphy said...

Great blog... I really like what you have to say (I agree with it completely), and your method of presentation is great. I really enjoyed reading it... Power to the women people!!!

Alexandra Favier's Blog said...

Very interesting. I like your take on the subject and as a girl I cannot agree more. Your conclusion really stuck with me and gave me a little giggle. I thought this was innovative and a different take on the subject. I liked that you incorporatedyour own thoughts and ideas into your blog.
good JOB